Spring retractor balancer
CP9940 BALANCER 10.0-14.0KG 22.0-30.8LB foto de producto
Designed to improve operator ergonomics while also improving your quality of production. The spring retractor balancers have a working load up to 33 lbs (15 Kg). They feature stainless steel cables with automatic load retraction and adjustable weight and height limits. In addition, the durable impact-resistant cast aluminum housing with safety suspension, helps to improve operator safety while increasing your productivity.

Especificaciones técnicas

Diseño y funciones
Stroke cable
Stainless steel
Stroke length (in)
Depth (D)
92 mm
Balancer type
Medium duty balancer
Housing material
Stroke length (mm)

CP9940 BALANCER 10.0-14.0KG 22.0-30.8LB

8941 0994 00


Stainless steel cables to ensure high performance
Adjustable weight limit and adjustable height limit
Antifriction cable guide
Safety suspension
Inert spring drum assembly