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A wide range of tools for heavy trucks & buses applications

We have developed a range of tire changing tools that cater to the specific needs of maintaining and repairing heavy trucks & buses. Our tools are built to be reliable, robust, and capable of handling the high volume and demanding workloads of busy garages and workshops.

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Tire Changing Tools for Heavy trucks & buses

We understand the specific needs of maintaining and repairing heavy trucks and buses.

At Chicago Pneumatic, we provide products that are reliable and robust, offering great ergonomics for user comfort and ease of use.

When it comes to tire changing for heavy trucks and buses, durability and productivity are essential for the untightening process. Our 1” impact wrench CP7782 and our CP8609 eBlueTork battery torque wrench are made for this.
For the tightening process torque control is crucial to ensure optimal performance and safety. Our tools come equipped with torque limiting functions and torque level control, which help prevent under and over-tightening of lug nuts

Our Bluetorq CP7600 is our most ergonomic and efficient solution for truck and bus wheel maintenance. This torque-limited tool provides high tightening precision with exceptional durability, while also offering high ergonomics with a very low noise level and vibration.

In addition to the 1” Impact Wrenches & torque wrenches, we also offer high capacity air hydraulic jacks, jack stands, and ergonomic seats to complete your heavy truck and bus tire changing toolkit.

Considered by professionals as the reference for changing tires. We are the reference for trucks and buses. Big brands already trust us

Our experts talk to you!

Nil Gauter expert pose BW

Correctly applied torque is vital to maintaining the safety of a vehicle and its passengers. Torque limited tools are essential to helping tighten wheel nuts to the correct torque. They are specially designed to prevent the overtightening of nuts.

Nil Gauter, Product Marketing Manager Heavy vehicles

Nutrunner for heavy vehicles

Application picture CP7600 BlueTork nutrunner

Bluetork nutrunner

The CP7600 BlueTork pneumatic nutrunner is intended for bus and truck maintenance companies. It offers a shut-off torque-controlled solution in safe condition to tighten nuts of trucks and buses, preventing over-tightening without impacting.

Air Shut-off torque control at preset torque
Selection of up to 4 calibrated tightening torques with high accuracy
Low noise level (<77dB)
Low vibration increases operator comfort for greater productivity. (<2.5 m/s²)

CP8609 eBlueTork Series

eBluetork nutrunner

CP8609 eBlueTork is a precise, durable and easy-to-handle battery nutrunner designed for buses and trucks tire changing market. Thanks to its lightweight and long-lasting battery, it allows an extended operating use.

High precision (+/- 4%) for safe tightening
Fast and long-lasting gearbox dedicated to wheel tightening
Extended mobility with lightweight and compact battery
Automatic release reaction arm
Intuitive handling either on OLED Digital screen of the tool or via CPLinQ app


Unbolting & bolting heavy trucks & buses' wheels

Torque controlling, stud cleaners and ergonomics

Move, Maintain & Lift