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Fettling of castings: degating, cleaning, finishing

Chicago Pneumatic offers a versatile range of air tools to make the process of fettling easier and faster.

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Discover our tools selection for fettling: vertical and angle grinders, angle sanders, belt sanders, die grinders.

How to choose the right tool for fettling applications?

1. Degating

Angle grinders (5" or 7") mounted with resinoid grinding wheels, flap wheels or cutting wheels can be used for degating. Chisels and hammers may also be applied.

2. Surface cleaning

During surface cleaning, angle grinders (5" or 7") with resinoid grinding wheels, flap wheels or cutting wheels are also used. Die grinders with carbide burrs and mounted points enable more precise work.

3. Surface finishing

Finishing is carried out using angle and die grinders, and angle, orbital and belt sanders.

  Vertical grinders Angle grinders  Angle sanders Belt sanders Die grinders
  CP3349 CP3550 CP3650 CP3850 CP3550 CP3550 (low speed) CP3650 CP3850 CP5080 CP3550 CP3119
Power (hp/W) 4.0 hp /
3000 W
1.5 hp / 
 1100 W
2.4 hp /
1800 W
2.8 hp /
2100 W
1.5 hp /
1100 W
1.5 hp /
1100 W
2.4 hp /
1800 W
2.8 hp /
2100 W
0.5 hp /
400 W  
1.5 hp /
1100 W
1.2 hp /
900 W


  • Depressed center wheel
  • Cutting wheel
  • Cup wheel 6"
  • Depressed center wheel
  • Cutting wheel
  • Depressed center wheel
  • Cutting wheel
  • Depressed center wheel
  • Cutting wheel
Sanding pad Sanding pad Sanding pad Sanding pad Sanding belt
  • Mounted top
  • Carbide burr
  • Mounted top
  • Carbide burr
Abrasive size 7" - 9" /
180 mm -
230 mm
4" - 6" /
100 mm -
150 mm
4” - 7” /
100 mm -
180 mm
7" - 9" / 
180 mm - 
230 mm
5" - 7" /
125 mm -
180 mm
5" - 9" /
125 mm -
230 mm
4” - 7” / 
100 mm -
180 mm
7" - 9" /
180 mm -
230 mm
1/2x18" -  1x18 /
13x457 mm -
25x457 mm
Applications in fettling
  • Degating
  • Cleaning
  • Degating
  • Cleaning
  • Deburring
  • Degating
  • Cleaning
  • Deburring
  • Degating
  • Cleaning
  • Cleaning
  • Finishing
  • Cleaning
  • Finishing
  • Cleaning
  • Finishing
  • Cleaning
  • Finishing
  • Deburring
  • Cleaning with limited access
  • Deburring
  • Interior grinding
  • Cleaning in corners and small spaces
  • Deburring
  • Interior grinding
  • Cleaning in corners and small spaces
Special features Shut-off mechanism Rotative guard
  • Rotative guard
  • Optional silencer
Rotative guard / / Optional silencer     Spindle lock for easy change of abrasive  
Anti-vibration option (autobalancer) Yes No Yes Optional (not for ANSI market) No No No Optional (not for ANSI market) No No No
Select your fettling tool
Célia Esnault- Global Product Marketing Manager at Chicago Pneumatic

Using a grinding wheel for cutting purposes can lead to inefficient results as it accelerates the wear and tear of both the tool and the abrasive, diminishing their longevity. It is advisable to choose a more suitable tool that matches the specific requirements of your application.

Célia Esnault, Global Product Marketing Manager at Chicago Pneumatic

Safety tips

  1. Noise: Very high noise levels in excess of 117 dB(A) can be produced during fettling and noise levels of 100 - 110 dB(A) are regularly measured during this process. Ensure you use ear protection and choose a tool with minimal noise level.
  2. Steel founding: The temperature in a steel foundry gets very high. Sand often becomes burnt onto the casting which needs to be removed by mechanical means, such as grinding. However, this gives rise to dust which poses a health, safety, and fire risk, consequently effective dust exhaust systems and personal respiratory protection are essential.

Célia Esnault- Global Product Marketing Manager at Chicago Pneumatic

To enhance productivity in a steel foundry, it is crucial to identify a tool solution that enables cutting ingates with maximum precision and flushness. This will result in improved efficiency and effectiveness in the grinding process, leading to higher productivity levels.

Célia Esnault, Global Product Marketing Manager at Chicago Pneumatic

The fettling process

Fettling turns a raw casting into a functional component. After removing the molds, the process starts with degating and surface cleaning to remove excess material and achieve the desired basic shape.  The part can then be heat treated depending on requirements of the final application. Precise finishing, adjustment, chamfering, and deburring is then carried out to attain the desired surface finish for  coating or painting.