1/2" Composite FRL
1/2" Composite FRL
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Why should you use a filter, regulator and lubricator ? The use of a filter, regulator and lubricator (in that order) for pretool air preparation is strongly recommended by Chicago Pneumatic. Proper air preparation will result in improved tool performance and increased tool life. The units should be mounted as close to the tool as possible, preferably right where the tool hose is connected to the system. To realize their full value, these units should be checked on a regular assigned basis by maintenance workers or the operators themselves.
Filter separates impurities such as water and solid particles. Not using filters in combination with air tools leads to shorter service life, higher maintenance costs and lower efficiency. Old air systems with cool dryers, for instance, generate a lot of rust and running tools without installing a filter could damage the tool in less than a week. Chicago Pneumatic filters separate up to 98% of the water when operating within their working range. All three types (Small, Medium and Big) are very low pressure drop.
The regulator ensures that the pre-set working pressure remains constant - regardless of pressure variations in the intake air and minor variations in the airflow rate. For example, a pressure of 1 bar higher than necessary results in a 16% increase in air consumption. Spring controlled regulators are quick acting and therefore should be used for all types of air tools.
If lubricators are not used, tool motor vanes will need to be changed more often. The life of the vanes may decrease to as little as 1/10th of the normal working time. The oil fog lubricator is the most common type of lubricator. It supplies a mist of oil to the air hose.
32 productos encontrados
1/2" Composite FRL
1/2" Composite FRL
1/2" Metallic FRL
1/2" Metallic FRL
1/2" Metallic FRL
1/2" Metallic FRL
1/4" Composite FRL
1/4" Composite FRL
1/4" Metallic FRL
1/4" Metallic FRL
24 de agosto de 2017
Equipos de taller Ergonomics Asientos ergonómicos FRL Balancers Asientos
Chicago Pneumatic launches its new ergonomic seat solution, the CP87029 Ergoseat, to be used for tire changing and general mechanics in workshops or on roadside assistance. This very simple solution fits both medium and heavy vehicles.