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Power is everything

Damien our air motors Product Marketing Manager, will share his thoughts

Damien Feller - expert head zoom

I believe power is very important when it comes to choosing an air motor. I've put my thoughts together in this article for you.

Damien Feller, Air motors Product marketing Manager
Power is everything

Power is everything when it comes to which motor you use. We all want a motor that will do the job it’s meant to do and never will underperform. Nobody wants to have to oversize when selecting a motor because the power that’s delivered is actually lower than what was promised.

Unfortunately, that’s very often the case with an electric motor, whereas with a pneumatic air motor the power that’s displayed will always be the power that you get. This equates to a far superior power-to-weight ratio, with air motors up to 16 times smaller and lighter than an electric motor delivering the equivalent output.

That’s a massive difference, of course, but it’s by no means the only one.

If you work in extreme conditions, for example, whether they’re dusty, humid or in temperatures ranging from -30° to 150°, air motors are easily the better option. Apart from the fact that they don’t need an electric power source to be available, they are far more rugged, durable, and reliable than electric motors which can often fail in heavy-duty applications and do not get on well with moisture. Air motors are also ideal if you work in areas that involve radiation or magnetic fields and any environment that can be flammable or explosive.

There are other advantages, of course. You can reverse the motor’s direction of rotation with ease. Stop-start isn’t a problem. Overheating is never an issue. And you don’t have to worry about circuit breakers tripping when an overload exceeds the stall torque.

The upshot of all this is that you get to spend more time doing what’s productive and less time not being able to do anything because your motor has failed. You also save money and time in terms of installation (no costly electricians required). You simply connect to the air supply when you need it, meaning much lower costs running and maintaining your equipment.

If you want to find out more or want to discuss anything to do with air motors, just get in touch with us via our contact us page.

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