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Power is everything

William our air motors expert, will share his thoughts

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I believe power is very important when it comes to choosing an air motor. I've put my thoughts together in this article for you.

William Mouille, Industrial Segment Marketing Manager
Power is everything

Power is everything when it comes to selecting any type of motor. Ideally, we all want a motor that will do the job it’s meant to do and will never under-perform. And the last thing anyone wants is to buy an oversized motor because the power that’s actually delivered is significantly lower than advertised.

Unfortunately, that’s very often the case with an electric motor.  Incorrect wiring, over-heating, contamination, and excessive vibration all play a part in an electric motor’s inability to achieve stated specifications.  Conversely, pneumatic air motors will always deliver the power advertised because they are virtually immune to issues related to installation and operating conditions. Now factor in the fact that an air motor is, on average, 16 times smaller and lighter than its electric motor equivalent and it becomes clear that air motors will deliver the durability, versatility, and highest power-to-weight ratio your operations demand.

Powering Extreme Environments

Does this sound familiar? Dusty, humid air?  Flammable or explosive environments? Temperature ranges of -30° to 150°? If so, air motors are easily the better option. Apart from the fact that they don’t need an electric power source for operation, they are far more rugged, durable, and reliable than electric motors, which can often fail in heavy-duty applications and when moisture is present. Air motors are also ideal if you work in areas that involve radiation or magnetic fields and any environment that can be flammable or explosive.

Further, you can reverse an air motor’s direction of rotation with ease and overheating/stop-start are never a problem. And you never have to worry about circuit breakers tripping when an overload exceeds the stall torque.

The upshot of all this is that air motors increase operational efficiency and low your total cost of ownership.  They allow you to spend more time being productive and less time down for maintenance. And in terms of installation, no costly electricians required. You simply connect to the air supply when you need it.

If you want to find out more or want to discuss anything to do with air motors, just get in touch with us via our contact us page.

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